Wednesday, February 4, 2015

First Steps in Jokaydia

These first few days have been...manageable. This is the first time I've been in a virtual world, much less a virtual learning environment. However, I'm enjoying it. It provides a certain level of anonymity that cannot be obtained in an actual classroom.

Logistically, things have been smoother than I anticipated. So far, I've created my avatar and performed quite a few missions, and I think I'm starting to get the hang of it. I even think I'm ready to go beyond the basic missions assigned and move on to some other exploration missions.

I hope that things continue to go smoothly, especially when it comes time to use other virtual world programs.


  1. Melissa,
    It's all about taking baby steps. I think that's why Wilde has us using this program first. I enjoy Joykadia and find it different from any other game or environment I have played in before. I think that as we explore and do more we will discover that it is easier to navigate and if we get stuck we will learn how to fix and (almost) never make that mistake again. It's a great learning experience that we get to do together!

    I hope to see you out there.
    -Mike (Merlin)

  2. Hi Melissa,

    I'm curious to know how things are going now. Are things still going smoothly?


  3. Arnaldo,

    Things are going smoothly- thanks for checking in! In fact, I just built my first object on my own! (See post above)

